The CARES Act and the $1.9 stimulus package were hotly debated and recently passed the US House and Senate. One thing which was not debatable was that there will be Haves & Have Nots once the package is signed. As such, Minimise is anticipating the same for its Public Sector clients:
- The Haves: School Districts
- The Have Nots: Municipalities (both City and County)
But in either case, there are significant questions and concerns: How do I know what I qualify for? What do I need to do? For what? By when? And so on…

School Districts will be receiving significant funding to be utilized for air quality improvements, safer classrooms, testing, and workforce development. This influx of funding will be a significant “shot in the arm” for school districts which have been struggling with how to address aging equipment and infrastructure.
Municipalities on the other hand will be only receiving modest funding (if at all in some cases). Yet their issues of aging infrastructure, decreasing tax base, and budget deficits continue. So, what do you do if you are a Have or a Have Not?
In either case, it is critical to take a step back and view the funding (or lack thereof) as an opportunity to develop a holistic strategy to address not just improving equipment, but also:
- Overcoming short- and long-term budget gaps,
- Address unfunded mandates and/or priorities,
- Optimize infrastructure for safety and efficiency,
- Create good will with your stakeholders, and
- Mitigate future risks.

For the Haves, this is an AMAZING opportunity to leverage those funds by creating financial strategies to address all infrastructure priorities AND create cash flow to address your non-stimulus related projects.
For the Have Nots, the community is going to expect you to do something. And the great part is that you still can. There are innovative financial strategies that allow you to still address nagging priorities and concerns but with NO CAPITAL OUT OF POCKET and NO DEBT. These strategies help municipalities improve their infrastructure with NO impact on their credit or bond ratings.
Minimise has created financial strategies and a funding model that can help both the Haves & Have Nots to:
- Identify & access all available Federal funding,
- Develop comprehensive strategies to maximize the value of funds obtained,
- Address priority school/community needs,
- Overcome obstacles and avert risks, and
- Obtain comprehensive data and reporting to validate your efforts.

Simply put, Minimise turns your inefficiencies & waste into currency. Minimise’ strategies and funding model take energy waste, operational inefficiencies, maintenance issues, and other areas of opportunity and convert them into hard funding cash. Moreover, this funding is returned to your District/Municipality as UPFRONT and UNRESTRICTED funding.
For example, if your District receives $5 million dollars in Federal funding, Minimise will work with you to craft a game-plan to leverage the air quality/safety equipment being upgraded along with other areas (e.g. lighting, HVAC performance, Controls) and energy self-sufficiency (Solar & Battery Storage).
In doing so, that $5 million can turn into $15 million very quickly of upfront, unrestricted funds.
In the case of a Municipality which does not receive anything, Minimise could craft a strategy to create MILLIONS of upfront/unrestricted funding. In fact, if you have put off projects and upgrades because of lack of funding, the timing could not be better to engage Minimise!
Whether you are a Have or a Have Not, you must do something. We, at Minimise, look forward to the chance to help you to do so.
If you are in Arizona or California, to find out more, contact me @
For all other areas, contact
Best regards
Kosh Samuel