Dear Friends,
Most of you know the NCOPA’s hallmark is no cost energy solutions, never a loan, never a lease, and always off-balance sheet. All of which translates into premium energy efficiency solutions without the need for any collateral.
What Minimise also did, that no others have done before or since, is offer prepaid savings on top of the immense value of the upgrades. A portion of the energy savings is prepaid to the client upfront. That simply means that much needed cash, especially during these times, is made readily available with each completed installation.
But we didn’t stop there. As part of Minimise’ COVID-19 response, we added businesses, school districts and government reopening solutions into the NCOPA. With Health and Safety being paramount, it made perfect sense for Minimise to wrap the cost of implementing cutting-edge UVC lighting, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) real-time measurement and solutions, and long-lasting sanitization (90 days on average) solutions into the NCOPA thus providing our clients with ZERO cost Health and Safety measures. This not only further cements Minimise’ claim of “give before you get” it more importantly sends a loud message to staff, students, parents, teachers, clients and visitors, that your businesses and your schools are taking all the necessary measures to create healthier and safer work and study spaces.

But we didn’t stop there. As part of Minimise’ COVID-19 response, we added businesses, school districts and government reopening solutions into the NCOPA. With Health and Safety being paramount, it made perfect sense for Minimise to wrap the cost of implementing cutting-edge UVC lighting, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) real-time measurement and solutions, and long-lasting sanitization (90 days on average) solutions into the NCOPA thus providing our clients with ZERO cost Health and Safety measures. This not only further cements Minimise’ claim of “give before you get” it more importantly sends a loud message to staff, students, parents, teachers, clients and visitors, that your businesses and your schools are taking all the necessary measures to create healthier and safer work and study spaces.

Knowledge is power and therefore, every Minimise solution comes with live/real-time analytics and strict adherence to industry governing protocols. When coupled with energy management and technology driven behavior change management, the result is a smarter, more energy efficient organization. Again, all part and parcel of the NCOPA.
Another MASSIVE feature of the NCOPA is that it is built based on present energy and maintenance costs, therefore the NCOPA’s GMP (Guaranteed Monthly Payment) does not EVER fluctuate; its fixed for the benefit of client and Minimise’ financial partners both short and long term (happy to take a call to explain how this increases you savings by leaps and bounds over the term of the agreement). And, to top that off, every penny of the 10s and, in some cases, 100s of millions, invested by Minimise in your Energy and Health and Safety infrastructure is yours at the end of the term. When Minimise says this is the one offer that sounds too good to be true but is actually true, we mean it.
We all understand that, year after year, the cost of doing business rises, energy costs. are no exception. That brings us to the headline of the blog – What is the Cost of Doing Nothing and what is the delta or difference between acting on the NCOPA and to be frank, hoping the problem will go away.
Most organizations are aware of the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability. Energy efficiency is not hard to sell and comprehend, it makes sense. Organizations recognize the benefits that can be reaped . Often when organizations are asked why they have not yet addressed energy efficiency, the most common reply is – lack of capital. Organizations are unable to understand where energy flows, where to focus, and fail to recoup energy waste – not to even mention aging energy infrastructure. The ‘’inertia of doing nothing’ snowballs and accumulates. Luckily, with Minimise’s NCOPA, the cost of doing nothing, would quickly turn into ‘benefit of doing something’ from day one. Lack of capital should no longer be an excuse, both to achieve savings and to invest in energy infrastructure. Minimise will invest into the Energy Management and Conservation Services Project, with no upfront, no capital required from the Client. The cost of doing nothing, becomes a value stream previously thought to be “not possible this financial year”.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly to learn more how we can craft a bespoke solution and get you maximizing your energy output for the benefit of your entire organization.
Thank you for your time and God Bless,
Daniel Badran