Good day!
In the search these days for silver linings, we have just extended a golden opportunity. Our groundbreaking NCOPA – No Capital Outlay Plan Agreement (NCOPA) has been extended with our partners RSF Capital Partners with an initial facility of up to $400 million.
Why is this important to you? Well it means there is capital available now to take the next steps in energy efficiency, building safety, indoor air quality, energy upgrades and more – at no cost to your organization. Never a loan. Never a lease. Always off-balance sheet.

Plus, the Minimise Global difference is we PREPAY energy savings to you as soon as upgrades are installed for you to use immediately, at your sole discretion of your organization.
Please click on the following links to find out more:
Let’s use our energy efficiency to help our school districts, municipalities, and large businesses respond to the weight of the economic shutdown. The NCOPA can be the Golden Opportunity you need to jumpstart your economic recovery, make your buildings healthier and safer, reduce your carbon footprint and upgrade your energy infrastructure.
Please reach out to me at to find out more about NCOPA.
Thank you for your time and God Bless,
Daniel Badran