Mexico is in the best position EVER to grab the turn of the tide within the United States and China relations and grow our manufacturing industry, becoming (as we were before the China off-shore success in the last 20 years) the biggest supplier of manufactured goods and near-shore partners with the biggest (still) economy in the world. Energy, and thus efficiency, becomes a key player. The best way to tackle the immigration issue is with a robust local economy.

It s not a secret that Mexico’s current federal government doesn’t support and even neglects the importance of renewables. They are trying to push us back to the 1970’s, where oil was king. Solar deployments for self-consumption are not allowed to be higher than 500kW of capacity per site, effectively choking the possibilities and economies of scale that larger deployments would allow for our industries, simply by using our manufacturing plant’s roofs and extensive sites.

As you know, the key to reducing your monthly energy bills and reach the maximum energy efficiency is: TO FIND AND REDUCE YOUR ENERGY WASTAGE. This needs to be clarified and taught to the decision makers within the captains of the industry. We’ve seen it countless times when we reach out and promote our services: it is not in their minds, yet, with a few honorable exceptions. The cost of finding the energy that is being wasted, controlling and reducing those energy losses to then maintain them, measured in kWhs SAVED is, by orders of magnitude, cheaper than PRODUCING it… and, by the way, much friendlier to the environment.

We’ve also seen that the impact on the environment and the carbon footprint reduction goals that have become so important for the biggest economies in the world are practically negligible in Mexico. From our experience with continual conversations with several industries and customers, their operation’s environmental impact is not made an important enough priority to the level of the Maintenance and Operations Directors, who are the ones who initiate the company’s manufacturing and cost reduction improvements through project initiatives and requirements

The US law initiative for CHIPS and manufacturing will push for local and near-shore operations, for which Mexico is prime. Those manufacturing behemoths will seek to move their operations to the US or as close as possible as they abide to carbon footprint reduction initiatives and worldwide compromises. This will force upon us in Mexico to pay much closer attention to these needs and requirements that are coming our way. Let’s begin putting it in the forefront of our business’ plans, getting ahead of the coming surge.
At Minimise MX, we are not short in talent and experience doing this: with 30+ years doing systems automation and 9+ years focused in energy efficiency, we are ready to tackle these issues. Armed with state-of-the-art technological toolsets and unparalleled financial models, we can fit almost any requirement you might have to cut and control your energy waste. Let’s work together and ride this new wave of opportunities that are coming, let’s improve your operations and reduce your energy costs, while creating a safer world for everyone.

Omar Monroy
Minimise Mexico