Simple, understandable and fun facts targeted at each student to enhance energy saving behaviors in day to day activities. Videos will play on dashboards and on schools’ morning shows.


Seeing real time energy savings and the associated value is incredibly rewarding and, most importantly, empowering. Suddenly, students, teachers and staff see that they are making an impact and are a part of the solution. Now we are all motivated to save more energy and earn more pre-paid savings.


In challenging High School TV Production students to showcase their talents, we launched a Public Service Announcement Competition for the best student-created Energy Awareness PSA for HCPS. In turn, those competing are promoting Energy Awareness Month at their school site and are helping to spread the word that “Energy Matters”.
Once announced, the WINNING videos and finalist will be posted here!

STEM Curriculum based on Energy Upgrades

Everything we are doing in the schools is a real world practical experience in science, technology, engineering and math. We have become an official education partner with the STEM curriculum that we have created. Lesson Plans for K-5. That is something we couldn’t be more proud of.