Somewhat lost in space amongst the memes, the jokes, the awe and the pride, Jeff Bezos said that what he was doing was for the good of the planet, and that over the course of the next few decades we could move all the harmful extraction and refining of energy resources into the galaxy.
It’s a typical human response to a crisis; take a really big swing instead of doing the next best thing. While fighting off images of Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum and Chaos Theory, I have no idea if what Bezos suggested is even possible. Regardless if what Bezos suggested is even possible, Minimise has long had a better cleaner solution.

Somewhat lost in space amongst the memes, the jokes, the awe and the pride, Jeff Bezos said that what he was doing was for the good of the planet, and that over the course of the next few decades we could move all the harmful extraction and refining of energy resources into the galaxy.
It’s a typical human response to a crisis; take a really big swing instead of doing the next best thing. While fighting off images of Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum and Chaos Theory, I have no idea if what Bezos suggested is even possible. Regardless if what Bezos suggested is even possible, Minimise has long had a better cleaner solution.

Minimise Global will pay your community to reduce your energy waste, turn that waste into currency to fund the cost of the reduction and prepay a portion of that savings to you. In doing so, you greatly decrease your carbon footprint, update your aging inefficient infrastructure, and dramatically decrease your energy costs. More importantly, it’s all done within three short years instead of three decades.

By 2050, with 27 years of saving on wasted energy instead of three decades of spending money, you will have sequestered so much carbon you could have your own rain forest. Or the positive effects of one.
How it works is we start by reducing your carbon footprint utilizing best-in-class, most integrated solutions available. We follow that with renewable energy solutions to drive new power sources into your community. All this equipment and these solutions come at no cost, and never a loan or a lease. By getting it done quickly, over three years, we take out factors like rising inflation, the cost of money, poorly integrated band-aided energy management protocols and more.
It’s truly a space race we can win. Better working, teaching, living environments and a cleaner environment in which to live. Quickly. Efficiently. Affordably. NO ONE ELSE HAS THIS SOLUTION.
Minimise Global presents this opportunity to the world, in every community and on practically every continent. It’s called the No Capital Outlay Partnership Agreement (NCOPA). We have the money and knowhow, you have the waste, and we all bear responsibility for the need. Let’s do it together.
In a few decades we will check in on Bezos’ progress from a beautiful planet called Earth.

By 2050, with 27 years of saving on wasted energy instead of three decades of spending money, you will have sequestered so much carbon you could have your own rain forest. Or the positive effects of one.
How it works is we start by reducing your carbon footprint utilizing best-in-class, most integrated solutions available. We follow that with renewable energy solutions to drive new power sources into your community. All this equipment and these solutions come at no cost, and never a loan or a lease. By getting it done quickly, over three years, we take out factors like rising inflation, the cost of money, poorly integrated band-aided energy management protocols and more.
It’s truly a space race we can win. Better working, teaching, living environments and a cleaner environment in which to live. Quickly. Efficiently. Affordably. NO ONE ELSE HAS THIS SOLUTION.

Minimise Global presents this opportunity to the world, in every community and on practically every continent. It’s called the No Capital Outlay Partnership Agreement (NCOPA). We have the money and knowhow, you have the waste, and we all bear responsibility for the need. Let’s do it together.
In a few decades we will check in on Bezos’ progress from a beautiful planet called Earth.

Thank you for your time and God Bless,
Daniel Badran