HDSB / Minimise -

A MEANINGFUL Partnership

Minimise’ No Capital Outlay Partnership Agreement (NCOPA) was recently approved by Florida Buy State Cooperative Purchasing Program (Florida Buy). In December 2020, Minimise invited Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC), North East Educational Consortium (NEFEC), and Heartland Educational Consortium (HEC) to a virtual introductory meeting of Minimise’ No Cost Energy Solutions. Amongst the attendees, were staff of Holmes District School Board (HDSB).

As the first step in the Minimise Process, Minimise conducts a Paper Audit/Billing Analysis. The Billing Analysis allows Minimise to benchmark current energy consumption of the District, identify billing errors (if any), establish energy usage patterns, define an energy baseline, and present a high-level opportunity to HDSB. Minimise presented the Billing Analysis to HDSB in March 2021.

Based on the findings of the Paper Audit/Billing Analysis, Minimise’ initial estimates concluded that there are well over 17% in energy savings that could be captured and that the full NCOPA, per the PAEC/Florida Buy contract is warranted. Based on the findings, Minimise has determined that an energy savings opportunity is a certainty at HDSB.

Through further collaboration with HDSB’s administration, Minimise received approval for initial installation of Real-time Energy Consumption Monitoring Equipment (ECME) at five (5) of HDSB‘s schools. The installations of ECME’s were seamless, none-disruptive to school operations, and completed within four (4) days by the Minimise team. As a result, Minimise and HDSB are now able to view energy consumption and realated analytics in real-time at each of the five (5) schools. Even with only a few days’ worth of monitoring data, Minimise can already see the tremendous opportunity for savings at HDSB facilities.

Minimise and Johnson Controls, Minimise’ Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) partner, have also completed a Preliminary Needs Assessment (PNA) at six (6) schools. The PNA recorded priority Facility Improvement Measures (FIMs) that would be included in Minimise’ list of Energy Solutions. Minimise only wins when the Client wins! To ensure this remains true, FIM‘s related savings are   guaranteed throughout the term of the NCOPA giving HDSB complete assurance in the consistency of the FIMs related savings. This will give the Client comfort as to the consistency in quality performance. A summary of the most pressing FIMs is outlined herewith.

Apart from the Priority FIMs identified in the PNA, Minimise’ Solutions include, but are not limited to:

Not only does Minimise provide a holistic Energy Management and Conservation Services Program (EMCSP), but also provides best-in-class technologies and solutions to reduce energy waste to nearly zero. This, inturn,  creates better and healthier learning environments. The NCOPA takes it a step further by re-investing a portion of the savings into Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Programs and also prepays HDSB a portion of the future savings at the start of construction. 

Now that Minimise has completed its initial Billing Analysis, Preliminary Needs Assessment, and has began collecting real-time Energy Consumption Data, Minimise estimates that its No Capital Outlay Partnership Agreement (NCOPA) would invest upwards of $5.2 million on energy infrastructure upgrades. 

From the energy savings which Minimise currently estimates to be upwards of 25%, Minimise would invest approximately $2.1 million in Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Programs for the length of the contract. Further, Minimise estimates that HDSB will receive no less than $900,000 in Prepaid Savings.  

Once HDSB approves the adoption of the Florida Buy Contract, Minimise will inmediately undertake an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) to further analyze HDSB facilities and identify more Facility Improvement Measures (FIMs). Ideally, Minimise would undertake the IGA during the summer break to ensure timely implementation. FIMs would be implemented as soon as the IGA, Design, Engineering, and Approval from HDSB is completed. The implementation of FIMs would be at no cost, not a lease, not a loan, and off-balance sheet. Further, as hurricane season is soon approaching, Minimise would prioritize Poplar Springs since it is a hurricane shelter. The much-needed energy infrastructure upgrades would not only benefit the students and staff on a day-to-day basis, but also the wider community that relies on Poplar Springs as a shelter in times of emergency. 

Minimise genuinely believes that ample opportunity exists at HDSB. Minimise aims to become HDSB’s “eyes on, minds on, and hands on” Partner, always working to uncover savings anywhere and everywhere possible while providing maximum benefit to HDSB through Facilities Improvement Measures, Prepaid Savings, and O&M Program for the duration of the NCOPA.


Minimise USA LLC. All rights reserved. 2021

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